
Only Melody

A few weeks ago, we were all in The Betty, driving to church.

 I don't think I've introduced you to The Betty, Dowlan's car. It's a 12-year-old white Buick that we bought from Granny. On the drive home from put hissing, she hit 30,000 miles. Since life is in my head is a perpetually word association game, follow along.  

Granny car 
White car 
Old White people 
Betty White The Betty 

Are you with me? 

Okay,so it's wednesday afternoon and the son is getting low in the sky, with rays shining boldly through the side windows. Melody starts making shadow puppets. 

Think of the shadow puppets you made at age eight: 

 Not Melody. From the backseat, I hear, "look! It's Governor GoodHair!" 

Melody has made a Rick Perry shadow puppet. I'm laughing so hard that steering has become a challenge, so she defends herself with"but it has really good hair!" 

At the next light, I glance at the back of the passenger seat, where her maneuvered fists have left the shadow of a head with perfectly coiffed hair and a handsome chin. 

 That's my girl!

1 comment:

Linda P. said...

I'd like to see a picture of the "good hair" puppet!

Linda Priest