
Not quite as poetic as "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep"

Tonight, I was getting Charlie to bed. Because he is so young, his nightly prayers are a fill-in-the-blank. The parent says "Thank you God for . . . " and Charlie supplies the answer. It usually includes parents, sisters, the cats, etc.

Tonight's went like this:

Mommy: Thank you God for . . .
Charlie: Tigger!
Mommy: Thank you God for . . .
Charlie: Tigger!
Mommy: That's right. Thank you God for all the Tiggers in the world. And thank you God for . . .
Charlie: Tigger!
Mommy: Thank you God for . . .
Charlie: Tigger!
Mommy: Thank you God for . . .
Charlie: Tigger!
Mommy: In Jesus' name, Amen!
Charlie: No, Amen! Thank God Tigger!
Mommy: Thank you God for Tigger!
Charlie: Tigger!
Mommy: Amen.
Charlie: Amen, Tigger!

Also, Charlie's cat voice is expanding it's vocabulary. When the kitty sleeps, it snores with a "Meaowshooooo . . . . Meaowshoooooo . . . ." He also asks for Meaowfood and Meaowdietcoke. Kitty's voice is rather more high-pitched than Charlie's regular voice and the question, "What's your name?" is always answered "Kitty" when he's in cat-mode.

Another recent introduction to his repetoire is Lion. Lion's voice is low and gravelly. He has the most adorable RAWR. I like to think that "RAWR" means "I love you."

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

LOL! That is too funny! Natalie does the different voice for the kitty sound "meow!" SO CUTE!