Trace! From Little Patch of Clover. Her guess of $312.15 was only a smidgeon off from the total of $307.72 (but I wish some of you optimists had been closer to right!)
If you'll email me at with a name and address, I will get a prize sent out.
And here's what I won!

I've had three cabinets in the living room for over a year and have been waiting for the spare cash to buy two more. Now my living room looks like this:

Look, ma! No visible toys!
And, to answer the question on the last entry:
Dixie's fear of heights made Melody's claim of the top bunk pretty easy to accept. Melody's thrilled because she gets a tent and Dixie's happy because she gets a little cave. I'm thinking of sewing her some curtains.
Looks great! I emailed you...and thanks! : )
Yea!! I love it! Congrats on completing the project. It looks fabulous!!! =)
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