
All I Gotsta Say Tonight Is . . .

So tonight, the girls were watching the halftime show with me, saying Geaux Tigers! and then arguing if they should be saying Hook 'Em Horns! I laughed and told them that anything was fine, as long as they didn't say Go Buckeyes!

They laughed, and tried to repeat what I said:

No Fat Guys?
Go Bad Guys?
Go Bat Eyes?
No Back Lies?

No. Buckeyes. Buck. Eyes.

Butt Guys? Ew! (hysterical giggling).

So they loved watching the marching bands, and were willing to even pause The Very Hungry Caterpillar card game long enough to watch.

Charlie's got to learn to be more discriminate, though. he saw the Ohio State marching band and immediately started clapping and smiling. I figure that as long as he was just smiling at the tubas, that was okay. His Papa might disagree, but you have to remember that Charlie, well, Charlie still poops his pants--he clearly is not ready to be picking a college.

So the commercials come on and we return for the thrilling conclusion to our game. About ten minutes later, Dixie is trying to turn off the TV.

Mommy: NO! Don't turn it off! I want to finish watching the Tigers.
Dixie: I don't see any tigers.
Mommy: Those guys running around? They're Tigers.
Dixie: No, they aren't. They are guys. The tigers were making shapes and playing instruments. Those are just guys with hats and funny clothes.

Dixie has an excuse, though. She hasn't been around as long. Both Charlie and Melody spent many an evening as a small babe in Papa's arms, looking at Tigers on the internet. He even taught them to do their fingers in the
Hook 'Em Horns! and then telling them it meant Geaux Tigers! Melody would find any attempts at correcting her deeply upsetting.

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