came to live with us. Amazing how quickly that went. Here the girls are on their first day as sisters:

So we had a Sister Day party today. The girls helped me make

and we had a little party

and there was gifting of dinnerware, placemats and bling

and Charlie was content with his John Deere plate as long as the cupcakes kept a'comin'.

P.S. My mom just had the following conversation with Melody:
Oma: Is this something sticky on your shirt?
Melody: Nah, it's just a booger.
O: A booger? Here, let's get it off, then.
M: No! I'm trying to dry it out.
Sure... like beef jerky or something.
Charlie! He's a BOY now! Awww... no more baby.
Gretchen, I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating: you make some pretty kids.
Happy one year anniversary to the sisters!
YUMMY looking cupcakes! Did they get some for the one year mark as well? LOL
Gotta love BOOGERS!! LOL my middle child went through a phase of picking his nose at night and wiping them on the wall. UGH Thankfully, that seems to have stopped.
Aww. Cute kids. Happy Sister Day!
Wish I could have pulled Ki away from her grandparents long enough to get the girls together. Maybe next time we get down your way...
Awwwwwwww! She really does look like she is your natural child. All of your children really are SO adorable!
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