So I'm declaring today Ask Me Anything day. Post a comment with your question, and I will answer it. Obviously, I'm not paypalling you any funds or giving you my cell phone number, but I will pretty much leave it open....
What social ills would you like me to address? What have you always wanted to know about me?
Ask away . . .
So, two years later, her Uncle asked if we were still interested. I said, 'Yes, absolutely!' then remembered to check with my husband. Dowlan was just as excited as I was. We discussed things with her Gma for a few hours, then left to visit my in-laws in Oklahoma the next day. On the way home, we went back through my hometown to pick her up and bring her home.
Nicole said...
What is your dream style house? Is it tucked away on acres of land or in a community, or in the midst of suburbia?
Are all the bedrooms on the same floor?
I want my mom's house. It is an American Foursquare type of architecture--two stories with four rooms on each floor (give or take a bit) and a huge front porch with columns. The attic has dormer windows. It was built in 1910 and is beautiful. The hardwoods are so soft that you just want to rub your bare feet all over them. Mom has worked so hard over the 27 years they've been there to restore it. The yard is huge and beautiful. Upstairs are three bedrooms, a trunk room, bathroom, hallway and a living area. downstairs is an entryway with a grand staircase, kitchen, dining, breakfast area, guest room and the music room--where my mom teaches. i guess it would have originally been a parlor.
Everything is just so pretty in it--the knewel post on the staircase, the molding and trim. The walls are solid oak planks--none of this dry wall junk.
I'm in suburbia right now and not a huge fan and I know I am definitely not fit for rural life. I like people, buildings and stores within walking distance.
My auntie and I have been curious a bit more about the background of how Dixie came to be a part of your family... If that's not being too nosey!!
January 9, 2008 11:28 AM
I would love to know too...Thanks, J
January 9, 2008 11:36 AM